superpower # Find Your Mozillian Super-Power

This workshop will help existing and emerging leaders in the Mozilla community explore, identify and personalize the unique opportunity of their participation at Mozilla. Opportunities reflect the virtuous circle of participation which positively impacts goals of the project and individual.

About This Workshop

This workshop falls under ‘Empowering Teams and People’ one of our identified building blocks for a Participation Leadership Framework (v.1)


Participants will be partnered, and assume the identity of either partner “A” or partner “B” for the purpose of instructions.

Participants will need a space for breakout. Facilitator will need a channel for timed questions (IRC for example).


Leaders, emerging leaders and anyone interested in setting and reaching goals through participation at Mozilla.



Desire Pathway

A pathway designed by participants with a goal of reaching a destination that most suits their personal goals, ambitions and talents and the impact they want to at Mozilla.

Different than traditional project pathways and ladders which, desire pathways map to learners interests by leveraging opportunities in one or more project areas.