Participation Personas

Real life contributors are complex and always changing, but these personas will more easily let us enter the headspace of the individuals and their unique perspectives. As we contemplate participation and learning pathways, we can refer to our personas by name.

Generously Apply Lenses

In addition to the Persona attributes and stories, we should apply each ‘lense’ below to our Pesonas as a test for diversity, inclusion and overall humanness of our Participation design.

  • Age
  • Gender Identity
  • Accessibility
  • Communication Skills
  • Language
  • Geography/Regional Identity
  • Active/Inactive Status
  • Project Association
  • Skill level
  • Primary Motivation {Personal or Mission}
  • Skillset
  • Aggression/Toxic Rating (1-5)

Persona Stories

Photos by Ken Nickerson , Ariel Leuenberger , James Theophane , David Denis , Monika Bargmann , Eddy Van 3000 , Danny Molyneux , available under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

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